Post by Ghost on Mar 12, 2009 18:55:06 GMT
1. Please do not steal any of the graphics used on this site. Please respect the copyright of material to their respective owners.
2. Please respect the other members, eveyone is entitled to their views and please dont troll or flame.
3. Spamming on the boards in any fashion is not allowed. This includes the C-Box, Threads or in PMS. If you are cuaght or reported to be spamming you will be warned, 2 warnings and you are out. Also please do not keep bothing other members in PMs requesting rps, please use the personal boards for requests.
4. You cannot roleplay until your character has been approved. Feel free to post in the OOC boards, but all in character boards are off limits until your application is accepted. Please also note that there can only be 1 of each character. If you want to play a Canon Character please check the list to see which ones are avaliable.
5. Your display name MUST match the character you are playing, please change your sign in name in your profile to do this. For example you cant roleplay as Bella4Eva, you would need to change it to your characters full name Bella Swan.
6. Please do not use real life people/celebs as your character. This lacks imagination and the application would not be accepted anyway. You can have a face claim, but you cant play them as a person.
7. No Mary-Sues and Gary-Stus. Every person has their flaws, no one is perfect... Even vampires, so please roleplay your flaws.
8. If you have a canon character and go inactive then expect to lose your claim on that canon. People who play canon characters need to be active, if you go inactive (have not posted/logged in for over a month) then you will lose the claim. Same goes for face claim, if you are not active you lose your claim. If you know you will be going inactive for a while please let us know!
9. Please keep your signature graphics no larger than 500 x 300. Any larger than this will stretch the board and offending images will be removed.
10. Please try and keep spelling and grammar to a high standard. I know this isnt always easy for some people but please use spell checks, as bad spelling and grammar can make posts very hard to read.
11. When you are posting the minimum amount allowed is 1 well formed paragraph. At least 5 sentences, 1 liners are not allowed and they do not make for good roleplay, so please dont do it!
12. The world of Twilight is a dangerous place, please take into consideration that bad things might happen to your character. Although death of a character can only be done with mutual agreement between roleplayers bare in mind it is possible for your character to be injured or be in an uncomfortable situation. No excuses to be used to back out of situations (ie no God-Moding)
13. Vampires and Werewolves can not kill a character off without the consent of that character. Human also can not be turned into a vampire or werewolf without that characters consent.
14. Vampires are allowed to turn humans into vampires, however please inform a site mod or admin to check that this is okay before it happens.
15. NO mature roleplay, Proboards are a 13+ site. Therefore any posts containing content WILL be removed if it is seen by Admin. These are not my rules, these are Proboards rules.
16. Please stick to the main overlying plot. You can have your own mini plots going as long as they do not interfere with the main plot.
17. To assure that you have read these please use the word ghostly in your application.
2. Please respect the other members, eveyone is entitled to their views and please dont troll or flame.
3. Spamming on the boards in any fashion is not allowed. This includes the C-Box, Threads or in PMS. If you are cuaght or reported to be spamming you will be warned, 2 warnings and you are out. Also please do not keep bothing other members in PMs requesting rps, please use the personal boards for requests.
4. You cannot roleplay until your character has been approved. Feel free to post in the OOC boards, but all in character boards are off limits until your application is accepted. Please also note that there can only be 1 of each character. If you want to play a Canon Character please check the list to see which ones are avaliable.
5. Your display name MUST match the character you are playing, please change your sign in name in your profile to do this. For example you cant roleplay as Bella4Eva, you would need to change it to your characters full name Bella Swan.
6. Please do not use real life people/celebs as your character. This lacks imagination and the application would not be accepted anyway. You can have a face claim, but you cant play them as a person.
7. No Mary-Sues and Gary-Stus. Every person has their flaws, no one is perfect... Even vampires, so please roleplay your flaws.
8. If you have a canon character and go inactive then expect to lose your claim on that canon. People who play canon characters need to be active, if you go inactive (have not posted/logged in for over a month) then you will lose the claim. Same goes for face claim, if you are not active you lose your claim. If you know you will be going inactive for a while please let us know!
9. Please keep your signature graphics no larger than 500 x 300. Any larger than this will stretch the board and offending images will be removed.
10. Please try and keep spelling and grammar to a high standard. I know this isnt always easy for some people but please use spell checks, as bad spelling and grammar can make posts very hard to read.
11. When you are posting the minimum amount allowed is 1 well formed paragraph. At least 5 sentences, 1 liners are not allowed and they do not make for good roleplay, so please dont do it!
12. The world of Twilight is a dangerous place, please take into consideration that bad things might happen to your character. Although death of a character can only be done with mutual agreement between roleplayers bare in mind it is possible for your character to be injured or be in an uncomfortable situation. No excuses to be used to back out of situations (ie no God-Moding)
13. Vampires and Werewolves can not kill a character off without the consent of that character. Human also can not be turned into a vampire or werewolf without that characters consent.
14. Vampires are allowed to turn humans into vampires, however please inform a site mod or admin to check that this is okay before it happens.
15. NO mature roleplay, Proboards are a 13+ site. Therefore any posts containing content WILL be removed if it is seen by Admin. These are not my rules, these are Proboards rules.
16. Please stick to the main overlying plot. You can have your own mini plots going as long as they do not interfere with the main plot.
17. To assure that you have read these please use the word ghostly in your application.